The Kayalu Toughbar™ XL-12 is a premium-grade 12.5" (31.75 cm) aluminum extension arm compatible with all RAM Mount assemblies using RAM's 1-inch "B" ball, including camera mounts, GPS mounts, iPhone and iPod mounts, fishfinder mounts, binocular mounts — virtually any device mount that uses RAM Mounts' popular 1-inch "B" size ball-and-socket system.
The Toughbar XL is also compatible with our ParkerMount™ andnClamp™ mounts available in our Online Catalog store.
The XL Series provides extreme strength with lightweight materials. The XL-12, adding 12.5" to your existing assembly, weighs only 7 ounces.
We assemble the Toughbar XLusing 100% original RAM Mount components including a RAM marine-grade anodized aluminum 1-inch "B" ball, a RAM anodized aluminum coupler and a RAM anodized aluminum rod. Added strength is provided by our addition of Loctite® Threadlocker during assembly.
The Toughbar XL is compatible with:
• ParkerMount™ Extension Arm Mounts
• nClamp™ mounts
• All RAM Mounts assemblies using the standard 1-inch "B" ball
The Toughbar XL's aluminum coupler adds an extra degree of versatility to your mount by providing an additional ball-and-socket joint for positioning the entire assembly.
Using Multiple Extension ArmsMultiple Toughbar extension arms (including both our standard and XL series) can be linked in succession to produce a highly flexible snaking arm. Toughbars are extremely durable, allowing multiple arms to remain stable while maintaining a heavy payload.
IMPORTANT: The Kayalu Toughbar, particularly when supporting a payload weighing over 8 ounces (226 g), creates leveraged force at the base of your existing mount. For this reason, we recommend that your existing mount have an aluminum RAM Mounts ball (such as on Kayalu Parker rigid mounts and nClamp products) rather than a high-strength composite RAM Mounts ball.
The Kayalu Toughbar XL Series arms are not recommended for use in the following applications:
- Suction mounts that are subject to vibration or bouncing, such as on automobiles and all watercraft. For such applications, we recommend a Kayalu Parker series rigid mount.
- Tension mounts (i.e. Kayaball, Kayacam) subject to impact, jarring, vibration or bouncing. Tension-based mounts are engineered to manage leverage exerted by their payloads at a particular height from the base, and do not support Toughbar extensions. For such applications, we recommend a Kayalu Parker series rigid mount.
- Mounts having a plastic or high-strength composite RAM Mounts ball at their base.
If your existing mount has a high-strength composite ball and diamond base (such as found on our standard Kayalu/RAM Locking Suction mounts) we recommend the purchase of an aluminum diamond base (RAM-B-238) to replace the high-strength composite diamond base (RAP-B-238). See our Extras to purchase the RAM-B-238.
If you are interested in a suction cup mount with a Toughbar extension, view our Kayalu / RAM Locking Suction line. We include an aluminum ball at the base of each of our Locking Suction mounts that ship with a single standard length Toughbar extension pre-installed.
All Toughbar XL products ship assembled, tested and packaged at full size. Toughbar™ and RAM Mounting Systems products are made and assembled in the USA.
Toughbar™ KLA-5016-XL12 Specifications
RAM Mount Components (included)
Material: Powder Coated Marine Grade Aluminum
Material: Powder Coated Marine Grade Aluminum
Material: Powder Coated Marine Grade Aluminum
Assembly Components (included)
Threadlocker: Loctite®
For more information about the Kayalu Toughbar™ XL 12.5" Extension Arm read Product Details.